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BukuPemilihan Sistem Perawatan Mesin Pada Komponen Kritis Mesin Blowing di PT. Panca Karya Sentosa
Author: HANDYTIAS, NOVIANDRE ; Surbakti, Feliks Prasepta Sejahtera (Advisor)
Topik: Breakdown; Downtime; Age Replacement; Block Replacement; Trade-of
Bahasa: (ID )    
Penerbit: Program Studi Teknik Industri Fakultas Teknik Unika Atma Jaya     Tempat Terbit: Jakarta    Tahun Terbit: 2010    
Jenis: Theses - Undergraduate Thesis
  • Perpustakaan Pusat (Semanggi)
    • Nomor Panggil: FTI-536
    • Non-tandon: tidak ada
    • Tandon: 1
 Lihat Detail Induk
PT. Panca Karya Sentosa is a company which traded in plastic industry with plastic money box and plastic ball as a product. In producing their product, PT Panca Karya Sentosa uses machines in 21 hours or more per day. Because of this situation, we can conclude that PT Panca Karya Sentosa is really dependent to their machines. If the machines had a troubled , for sure the company would suffered a financial loss. As a prevention for
that situation, the company should find an appropriate way for taking care the machines.
During this time, PT Panca Karya Sentosa is already using breakdown maintenance, which
machine is only have a changing component if the broken was already happened. This maintenance was assessed as an unappropriate way because ‘breakdown’ still often happened in their production process. Then the machine which often had a ‘breakdown’ is blowing machine type 211, this machine is one of critical machine. So, they
need system maintenance machine that appropriate for decreasing the downtime. For knowing the critical component from blowing 211 machine, researcher used FMECA analysis and found that screw component, blower, and piston hidrolik was the critical components. This things can be evaluate from the downtime total of this three components
which is the biggest than the other components.
After the research, researcher found that screw component is appropriate with age replacement, while the blower component is appropriate with age replacement maintenance system, and the piston hidrolik is appropriate with age replacement maintenance system. The system was elected based on trade off method, exchanging method between criterias; total cost, total avaibility, and reliability. The changing of age replacement maintenance system based on the age of the component, while the changing of block replacement maintenance system is based on settled changing interval time.
The result from trade-off calculation researcher found that screw component have the biggest trade-off value for age replacement method with 0.993, after that blower component for block replacement method with 0.871, and for piston hidrolik component researcher choose age replacement with 0.699 score.
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