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BukuPerancangan Sistem Informasi Pengendalian Bahan Baku Kantin Dengan Bantuan Komputerisasi Berbasis Web (Studi Kasus Kantin IPEKA Tomang)
Author: HENDRAWAN, DANIEL ; Wahyu, Marsellinus Bachtiar (Advisor)
Topik: Raw Material Controlling; Information System; Web Databas; Pengendalian Bahan baku; Sistem Informasi; Web Database
Bahasa: (ID )    
Penerbit: Program Studi Teknik Industri Fakultas Teknik Unika Atma Jaya     Tempat Terbit: Jakarta    Tahun Terbit: 2010    
Jenis: Theses - Undergraduate Thesis
  • Perpustakaan Pusat (Semanggi)
    • Nomor Panggil: FTI-518
    • Non-tandon: tidak ada
    • Tandon: 1
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IPEKA TOMANG is a national plus school which locate at Greenville real estate. In this thesis we will explore about one of this school’ canteen which is Artha’s Food N Snack canteen.
This canteen are provide fast food in this school and the most favorite canteen ini this school. But the owner have her own problem. Her problem is controlling section. In fact when the owner must leave her canteen, work sistem in that canteen will stop and have many problem. Mrs Artha is the owner of this canteen but her canteen not just in IPEKA but she has canteen in 4 different place and different menu. The owner have a good feeling for watching her canteen all day but unfotunantely she don’t have enough time. This canteen are in the middle section so it doesn’t need to recruitment people with high requirement. That situation affect to flow system canteen will be uncontrolled and get low income because employee in canteen don’t have enough inisiative to do except for direct order from the owner. This make canteen usually get problem with raw material avaiblelity and unmacth between decrease raw material with increase income. So canteen just will be normal if the owner present to that place. After see that problem, we want to make a solution for the owner and that canteen. In this thesis will make a situation when the owner are leaving that canteen, it will be normal and minimize effect. So if we want to make that situation real we must buil one independent work system to that canteen which is can make owner easier to wachting her business even she not in that place. If that the problem so we must build a sistem that can be access form the distance and
our choose down to web base.
After gathering and processing the data so there is some solution for this problem. We build one work system which is in that system there is a information system to help the owner and employee to access and follow the system. This Information system will be helped by database system which is made from PHP software. This system can be access with internet connection. So if we compare two system before and after, we can see the different. The new system can make owner easier in time category to watching her canteen because it can done even in the distance. If we compare it in data category, this new system is still win because it’s a lot easier to collect and save important data for this canteen and if sometimes we need that data it will be quiker to find. So our destiny point are done which is make the owner get easier but the canteen are still normal.
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