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ArtikelScoreRel CI: An Excel Program for Computing Confidence Intervals for Commonly Used Score Reliability Coefficients  
Oleh: Barnette, J. Jackson
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Educational and Psychological Measurement vol. 65 no. 06 (Dec. 2005), page 980-983.
Topik: reliability coefficient; confidence intervals; Cronbach’s coefficient alpha; Cohen Kappa; reliability coefficient
Fulltext: 980.pdf (50.15KB)
Isi artikel(PKPM) An Excel program developed to assist researchers in the determination and presentation of confidence intervals around commonly used score reliability coefficients is described. The software includes programs to determine confidence intervals for Cronbach’s alpha, Pearson r–based coefficients such as those used in test-retest and alternate forms situations, split-half, and Cohen’s 2 × 2 unweighted Kappa. The general basis for the confidence interval computations and the program features are presented. Availability, at no cost, and conditions of use are described.
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