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ArtikelThe Intermingling Of Business And Family Finances In Family-Owned Businesses  
Oleh: Haynes, George W. ; Walker, Rosemary ; Rowe, Barbara R. ; Hong, Gong-Soog
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Family Business Review vol. 12 no. 3 (Sep. 1999), page 225-240.
Fulltext: 225.pdf (147.18KB)
Isi artikelThis study uses data from a national survey of 673 business-owning households to assess factors associated with intermingling business and family finances. Logit analysis indicates that the use of family resources in the business is more likely in sole proprietorships; when the business owes money to financial institutions; and when the business owner is older, more experienced, and without children in the household. Family use of business resources is more likely if the business is incorporated, is located in a rural area or small town, and borrows money.
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