Anda belum login :: 13 Mar 2025 10:08 WIB
ArtikelNationalism in southeast asia: revisiting kahin, roff, and anderson.  
Oleh: Chong, Terence
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Sojourn: Journal of Social Issues in Southeast Asia vol. 24 no. 01 (Apr. 2009), page 1-17.
Topik: Nationalism; Southeast Asia; Indigenous Religions; "Western Education"; Social Redicals and Comunists
Fulltext: 24.1.chong.pdf (311.94KB)
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Isi artikelArea studies and research into nationalism in Southeast Asia have always mutually reaffirmed each other. Their shared premises like clear territorial boundaries, the centrality of language and culture, and the notion that both must be studied 'from within', have shaped the development of Southeast Asian scholarship since Second World War (WWII). The result of which has been a very unproblematized understanding 'plece' where the sites of nationalist sentiments of cultures have clean perimeters for fieldwork.
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