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BukuGambaran Perilaku Jajan Murid Sekolah Dasar di Jakarta (dalam Psikobuana Vol 1 No. 1)
Author: Suci, Eunike Sri Tyas
Topik: Perilaku Jajan; Anak Sekolah; Murid SD; Perilaku Sehat; Snacking Behavior; School Children; Elementary School Pupil; Healthy Behavior
Bahasa: (ID )    
Penerbit: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Mercu Buana     Tempat Terbit: Jakarta    Tahun Terbit: 2009    
Jenis: Article - diterbitkan di jurnal ilmiah nasional
Fulltext: Vol 1 No 1 - Perilaku Jajan.pdf (125.89KB; 43 download)
The purpose of this research was to describe the snacking behavior among school children in Jakarta. It was already known that the pupils are prominent consumers of unhealthy snack widely sold near schools. The research method used was quantitative cross-sectional and the population of this study was the pupils of eight elementary schools in Jakarta. Using the purposive random sampling, 400 research respondents were recruited and it was found that their parents give them some pocket money about 1.000 rupiah to 5.000 rupiah per day. The research results showed that siomay (a type of dim sum) and batagor (fried tofu and meat balls) are two favorite snacks for the pupils and they usually buy them in their school's canteen. This finding was quite relieving, but we should worry that there are still many pupils who prefer buying snacks and food from the vendors who sell snacks out of the school yard to those who sell inside the school yard. Further, the research found that 36% of the respondents like food with tomato or chilly sauce.
Dengan maraknya isu berkaitan dengan campuran kimiawi makanan jajanan yang sangat mempengaruhi kesehatan, peneliti ingin mengetahui gambaran perilaku jajan anak sekolah di Jakarta. Metode penelitian ini adalah quantitative cross sectional. Populasi Penelitian adalah siswa sekolah di 8 SD di Jakarta. Dengan teknik purposive random sampling, peneliti pendapatkan 400 responden. Diketahui bahwa orangtua biasa memberi uang saku setiap hari berkisar antara Rp. 1,000 – Rp 5,000. Siomay dan batagor merupakan makanan favorit anak sekolah. Hal yang melegakan adalah bahwa mereka membeli makanan di kantin sekolah. Namun, hal yang perlu diperhatikan adalah bahwa responden cenderung memilih jajanan yang dijual di luar pagar sekolah katimbang di dalam pagar sekolah. Lebih jauh, sekitar 36% responden menyukai makanan yang disertai dengan saus merah.
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