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ArtikelContext and Rhetorical Reading Strategies: Haas and Flower (1988) Revisited  
Oleh: Haswell, Richard H. ; Briggs, Terri L. ; Fay, Jennifer A. ; Gillen, Norman K. ; Harrill, Rob ; Shupala, Andrew M. ; Trevino, Sylvia S.
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Written Communication ( sebagian Full Text) vol. 16 no. 1 (Jan. 1999), page 3-27.
Fulltext: 3.pdf (2.4MB)
Isi artikelThe authors twice replicated C. Haas and L. Flower's 1988 think-aloud reading study, which found that graduate students used "rhetorical" reading strategies to interpret a passage, whereas first-year college students used such strategies hardly at all. Rhetorical reading strategies use suppositions about the social, cultural, and historical context of the writing. The main intent of the replications was to see whether different outcomes might be found if the passage read dealt with a topic more familiar to first-year students. With the original passage, the results roughly supported Haas and Flower. But with the more familiar topic, the undergraduates generated substantially more rhetorical comments than they did with the Haas and Flower passage. Personal narrative and value-laden commentary were also measured, with older students far outproducing first-year students. The caution for researchers and teachers is to avoid hasty assumptions about underlying language competence without considering contextual factors.
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