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BukuFaktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi status gizi mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran Unika Atma Jaya angkatan 2006
Author: DARMADI ; Surjadi, Charles (Advisor); Djaja, Nanny (Advisor)
Topik: gizi mahasiswa Fk-UAJ; faktor gizi mahasiswa FK-UAJ; body image; komsumsi makanan; nutrisi
Bahasa: (ID )    
Penerbit: Fakultas Kedokteran Unika Atma Jaya     Tempat Terbit: Jakarta Utara    Tahun Terbit: 2009    
Penyerta: CD-ROM
Jenis: Theses - Karya Tulis Ilmiah Kedokteran (KTI-FK)
Fulltext: Darmadi_KTI_2009.pdf (951.19KB; 9 download)
  • Perpustakaan FK
    • Nomor Panggil: KTI-FK-21
    • Non-tandon: tidak ada
    • Tandon: 1
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Factors which Affect Nutrition Status of Atma Jaya Catholic University,
Medical Faculty student commencing at 2006
By :

Background. Adolescent period is the period of growth and maturity. Nutrition status of adolescent can influence the growth and maturity in the future. Indonesia as a developing country has double burden of nutrition where the obesity prevalence in adolescent increases every year. With that consideration, will be research factors that affect nutrition status of university student between 18-24 years old and included in the late adolescent group.
Objective. The purpose of this research is to know the prevalence of the nutrition status of Atma Jaya Catholic University, Medical Faculty student commencing at 2006 and also factors that can affect the nutrition status of university student.
Scheme. This research is based on the scheme developed by Virgianto in 2005, which states that factors that affect nutrition status are nutrition/food consumption, depression, body image, physical activity and health. But in this research, health factor is ignored since this research is investigating healthy students only. If there are respondents who are sick or consuming a continuous medicine, they will not be accepted as this research’s respondent (exclusive criteria). Gender is also included as a factor because depend on several research found that gender has a relations with the nutrition status. So the independent variable in this research is food intake, physical activity, body image, gender and stress and the dependent variable is nutrition status.
The population of this research is 203 students of FK UAJ 2006 intake. Of the 203, 133 is chosed from the count of sample estimation. To anticipate the exclusive criteria, the sample is addedd by 10% so that the sample taken is 147 students. The sample picking is done by using the Simple Random Sampling method. There are 3 respondents that have to be dropped because of the exclusive criteria, so that the total become 144 students. This research is using the cross sectional design which is using a questionnaire instrument. The analysis of the data is done using SPSS program version 15 (with statistic test Chi Square with confidence inverval at 95%).
Prevalency of nutrition status underweight of 9,03%, normal nutrition status of 70,83% and nutrition status overweight of 20,14%. Based on Bivariate analysis using Chi Square, there are:
1. Food intake factor is positively correlating with nutrition status(p-value 0,015) which means the higher the food intake, the more obese the nutrition status, vice versa.
2. Physical Activity is correlating negatively with the nutrition status (p-value, 0,027) which means the higher the physical activity, the less obese the nutrition status, vice versa.
3. The body image factor is correlating positively with the nutrition status(p-value, 0,007), which means the more positive the body image the more obese the nutrition status, vice versa.
4. Stress factor is not significantly correlated with the nutrition status(p-value 0,114).
5. The gender is significantly correlated with the nutrition status (p-value 0,028), where female gender tend to have a lesser nutrition status.
1. According to IMT, the biggest nutrition status prevalency are normal nutrition status(70,83%), followed by overweight(20,14) and underweight (9,03%), where overweight is bigger compared to the SMAN 3 Semarang adolescent(9,03%) or adolescent in Jakarta(11,4%)3,6
2. Factors that influence nutrition status of FKUAJ students are food intake, physical activity, body image, and gender. While stress factor does not influence the nutrition status of students.
3. People who have over food intake, less physical activity, positive body image, and male gender tend to have an obese nutrition status.

1. To the Dean of the Faculty (especially Vice Dean II) to provide or to add more physical activity facilities because the existing facility cannot adequately cater for students who want to exercise.
2. To the Dean of the Faculty (especially Vice Dean III) to obligate the students to collect Credit Participation (CP) from physical exercise so that the frequency of exercise for students can be increased.
3. There are more thorough analysis to know which factors have a bigger influence which can be tried out against those factors.
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