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Artikel‘The Day After the Hurricane’: Infrastructure, Order, and the New Orleans Police Department’s Response to Hurricane Katrina.  
Oleh: Sims, Benjamin
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Social Studies of Science vol. 37 no. 1 (Feb. 2007), page 111.
Topik: disasters; emergency response; organizations; risk; security
Fulltext: 111.pdf (103.1KB)
Isi artikelA disaster on the scale of Hurricane Katrina presents so many chains of cause and effect that it will take years before they are fully understood. Here, I shall discuss one of those chains, which runs from the infrastructure collapse to the problematic emergency response. I believe this is an important story, for two reasons. First, infrastructural technologies are of key importance for the field of science and technology studies and for the social sciences in general. The design of infrastructure takes into account complex sets of local and global social settings and goals, and in use, infrastructure is both a ubiquitous and often invisible element of culture and social life.1 I do not think its significance is understood well enough in the social sciences. Because Katrina had such a dramatic effect on infrastructure, it provides an opportunity to better understand exactly how, and to what extent, infrastructure plays a role in social institutions.
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