Anda belum login :: 11 Mar 2025 12:13 WIB
ArtikelOne Social Worker’s Retirement  
Oleh: Abell, Melissa L.
Jenis: Article from Journal - e-Journal
Dalam koleksi: Affilia vol. 19 no. 2 (May 2004), page 211-215.
Fulltext: 211.pdf (69.58KB)
Isi artikelIt is a beautiful Sunday morning in the aldea (rural village) on the outskirts of San Lucas Tolimán, Guatemala. The road is rocky, rutted, and dusty. The red pickup truck grinds up the steep hillside of the volcano as hopeful children gather. It finally comes to a halt midway up the slope, and out jumps an energetic, petite North American woman who greets the children, their mothers, and grandmothers in Spanish. The woman goes to the back of the truck and selects eggs, protein powder, and dried beans to distribute to each family according to the size of the family and degree of malnutrition. After a brief visit, she waves adios, jumps into her truck, and proceeds up the steep incline, where she sees more families and distributes food.
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