Anda belum login :: 04 Dec 2024 00:31 WIB
ArtikelWhat We Know About Intimate Partner Violence in the Middle East and North Africa.  
Oleh: Boy, Angie ; Kulczycki, Andrzej
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Violence Against Women vol. 14 no. 1 (Jan. 2008), page 53.
Topik: intimate partner violence; Middle East and North Africa; prevalence and attitudes
Fulltext: 53.pdf (104.55KB)
Isi artikelLittle is known about intimate partner violence in the Middle East and North Africa. This review synthesizes and critically evaluates the literature. Of 59 studies found, only 21 reported data on the prevalence of such violence or on beliefs regarding its justification, covering just 9 countries. Spousal abuse is pervasive and widely accepted. Victims are of all ages and are more likely to be rural and less educated. National data from Egypt and Jordan indicate almost 9 in 10 ever-married women accept at least one reason for wife beating. Change is possible but will require increased research, coalition building, and intervention efforts.
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