companies to compete in improving their own system, starting from production system, distribution system , even their marketing system . However, sometime there’s important matter that has been neglected by most of the companies. Which is warehouse system. Although warehouse system not apart of process in which giving value added in products but if applied in the wrong way then it will end up fatality especially in their own production flow. This condition often happened in student’s learning process particularly in automation lab work at UNIKA Atmajaya. Refer from existing problems, so we try to develop a model’s assist equipment about automation’s warehouse system . This model consist of several component such as material handling, storage rack, pick up rack, basic mockup and working parts. Applied warehouse system focus on picking up and laying down working parts system. Trial that has been done using several scenario, in which this scenario become as parameter of prototype success level ever made. For the next step this success level can be used as a weakness indicator that still exist in that warehouse’s prototype. After doing scenario that has been made before so we can know that material handling don’t have any problem when act picking up working parts at pick up rack. Problem happened when material handling must put parts at stage rack. Scenario’s result indicated when material handling movement put parts at stage rack has a low level success. Particularly in C type part or highest rack. Although there are several weakness in prototype movement, however this prototype can describe the main features of this warehouse system. So the conclusion by designed warehouse prototype that we can describe real existing warehouse system. |