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ArtikelA Synergistic Approach: Conducting Mixed Methods Research With Typological and Systemic Design Considerations  
Oleh: Hall, Bronwyn ; Howard, Kirsten
Jenis: Article from Journal - e-Journal
Dalam koleksi: Mixed Methods Research vol. 2 no. 3 (Jul. 2008), page 248-269.
Topik: synergistic approach; mixed methods; health research; cervical screening
Fulltext: 248.pdf (234.29KB)
Isi artikelNo mixed methods research design blends typological and systemic approaches into a cohesive, multifaceted whole. A synergistic approach to mixed methods research uses the inherent strengths of both types of approaches, providing researchers with a comprehensive framework for making pivotal research design decisions. Grounded in both philosophy and practice, this approach enables researchers to identify what will be researched, how it will be researched, and why the research will be undertaken in their chosen way. Presented as a set of core principles and a conceptual framework, its practical application is illustrated through the authors’ experience of mixing methods in a randomized controlled trial (RCT). The synergistic approach discussed in this article offers researchers an alternative mixed methods research approach.
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