Atlantis Water Adventures is one of the biggest water park that can accommodate thousands of people with a sinking city concept and civilitation theme. Along with the time, new water parks apppear and have cause Atlantis Water Advetures feels that they have to make better service and quality so that it could give better performance than the one it was. The improvement of service quality means that Atlantis Water Adventures will do some repairing corcerning the cleanliess services. In order to solve that, we will use SERVQUAL Method to identify atributes that related cleanliness service and we also will use Gap Analysis to analise some gaps that have happened between manegement perception, service specification, delivering service, customer’s expectation and also customer’s impression toward the quality of cleanliess service at Atlatis Water Advatures. Based on Servqual Method, the atributes are devided into 5 dimesions which are tangible, reliability, responsiveness, emphaty, and assurance, while Gap Analysis devides atributes into 4 gaps which named gap 1, gap 2, gap 3, and gap 5. From the result of the research, atribute that has influences in quality of cleanliness service are consist of 32 atributes which devided into 5 dimensions while there are 5 atributes found having gap at the first gap (management perception and customer ‘s expectation) and 13 atributes having gap at gap 5 (customer’s expectation and customer’s impressions) in gap analysis. In the implementation, the atributes will be devided into 38 contributing elements that have to be done to reach the expected atribute. In gap 2 (service specification and management perception) there are 4 contributing elements that having gaps and also there are 6 contributing elements having gaps in gap 3 (service specification and delivering service). From the whole analysis, some problems that need to be fixed to improve the quality of cleanliness service in Atlantis Water Adventure are improvements of customer service function, improvements on scheduling service specification, adoption employee status, tighten control of employee, and doing observation to other water parks. |