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ArtikelPengaruh Earnings Management Terhadap Konservatisma Akuntasi  
Oleh: Anggraini, Fivi ; Trisnawati, Ira
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah nasional - tidak terakreditasi DIKTI
Dalam koleksi: Jurnal Bisnis dan Akuntansi vol. 10 no. 1 (Apr. 2008), page 23-36.
Topik: Earnings Managements; Conservatism Accountancy; Agency Theory and Accrual Policy
Fulltext: 3_her.pdf (317.45KB)
  • Perpustakaan Pusat (Semanggi)
    • Nomor Panggil: JJ59.3
    • Non-tandon: 1 (dapat dipinjam: 0)
    • Tandon: tidak ada
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Isi artikelThe objective of the reserach is to find out empirical evidence of the influence of earnings management on conservatism accouting. the population of the study was listed companies in the manufacturing sector at the Jakarta Stock Exchange,and the sample was determined based on the following criteria manufacturing business publishing financial statement of per 31 december. there were 58 companies meeting the criteria. data analysis was carried out in terms of financial report during 2001-2006. the hyphoteses of research were tested using logistic regression. the research prove that if related by earnings management, company manager tend to use the accountancy which conservative not will limit the action of opportunistic management. the results show that earnings management influence conservatism accountancy is not consistent used company in indonesia because still the existence of some of more opting company to the conservative accountancy or use the accountancy is not conservative.
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