Anda belum login :: 07 Mar 2025 09:45 WIB
BukuTowards Analysis of Flexible and Collaborative Workflow Using Recursive ECATNets
Author: Barkaoui, Kamel ; Hicheur, Awatef
Topik: Recursive Petri nets; Flexible collaborative workflow; Rewriting logic
Bahasa: (EN )    
Penerbit: Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg     Tempat Terbit: Heidelberg    Tahun Terbit: 2008    
Jenis: Papers/Makalah
Fulltext: Towards Analysis of Flexible and Collaborative.pdf (315.47KB; 4 download)
In this paper we define a model, namely the recursive ECATNets (Recatnets) based on a sound combination of Extended Concurrent Algebraic Term nets and Recursive Petri nets, allowing a concise modeling of dynamic reconfiguration mechanisms of flexible workflow processes. The descriptive power of Recatnes is well-suited for collaborative workflows modeling. Moreover the use of model checking techniques to prove liveness and safety properties becomes possible due to their semantics defined in conditional rewriting logic.
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