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ArtikelToward Transcendence: A Creative Process Of Performative Writing  
Oleh: Viramontes, Adrienne
Jenis: Article from Journal - e-Journal
Dalam koleksi: Cultural Studies <=> Critical Methodologies vol. 8 no. 3 (Aug. 2008), page 337-352.
Topik: autoethnography; performative writing; Chicana identity
Fulltext: 337.pdf (114.78KB)
Isi artikelThis essay explores the process and product of creative/performative writing. The author explains aspects of how the creative process works for her, what it can produce in terms of a finished autoethnographic document, and how the process can lead to transcendence. She uses a variety of scholarly voices to discuss the ways in which performative writing relates to Heidegger’s discussion of building, dwelling, and thinking.
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