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ArtikelIntroduction: Cultural Inter/Connections  
Oleh: McCarthy, Cameron ; Giardina, Michael D. ; Park, Jin-Kyung
Jenis: Article from Journal - e-Journal
Dalam koleksi: Cultural Studies <=> Critical Methodologies vol. 5 no. 2 (May 2005), page 135-144.
Fulltext: 135.pdf (116.28KB)
Isi artikelIn our post-9/11 world, there exists a growing collective feeling across university campuses, at office water coolers, and in local neighborhoods—a crescendo of shared belief, if you will—that matters of global inter/connectivity are now quite literally matters of life and death. The horrific events of September 11, 2001, which have yielded a cultural climate virtually unthinkable only a few years earlier in terms of a war-in-the-name-of-peace mentality, assaults on civil liberties, and the policing of popular culture, have forced scholars the world over to reevaluate our current moment (cf. Denzin, 2004; Giroux, 2003). Post-9/11 developments have propelled a brave new world context and global cultural environment into being that now poses new challenges to critical scholars interested in cultural analysis and interpretive studies. This is particularly the case for scholars operating within the emergent field of cultural studies who, within the past few decades, have sought to look at the spreading effects of popular cultural forms on the social environment of modern institutions and social subjects. These powerfully transformative phenomena generated in this new world context have forced contributors to this special issue to think about popular cultural forms within the overlapping and interconnected logics consequent upon a recognition of the dynamic porosity of modern cultural practices and contemporary forms of affiliation and identification and the institutional and new political contexts in which these dynamics are played out
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