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JurnalAnthropological Theory vol. 07 no. 03 (Sep. 2007)
Topik: Anthopological Theory
Bahasa: (EN )    Year:: 2007    Bulan: 09    Edisi: Sep 2007    
Penerbit: SAGE Publications
Jenis: Journal - ilmiah internasional
[Lihat daftar eksemplar jurnal Anthropological Theory]
Artikel dalam koleksi ini
  1. Missionization in the post-colonial world: A view from Brazil and elsewhere., halaman 273
  2. Global religion and the re-enchantment of the world: The case of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal., halaman 295
  3. Global breathing: Religious utopias in India and China., halaman 315
  4. `The burning': Finitude and the politico-theological imagination of illegal migration., halaman 329

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