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JurnalSocial Studies of Science vol. 35 no. 3 (Jun. 2005)
Topik: Social Studies; Science
Bahasa: (EN )    Year:: 2005    Bulan: 06    Edisi: Softcopy    
Penerbit: SAGE Publications
Jenis: Journal - ilmiah internasional
[Lihat daftar eksemplar jurnal Social Studies of Science]
Artikel dalam koleksi ini
  1. Safe Science: Material and Social Order in Laboratory Work., halaman 333
  2. The Emergence of Toxicogenomics: A Case Study of Molecularization., halaman 367
  3. Constructing ‘Race’ Across the Science-Lay Divide: Racial Formation in the Epidemiology and Experience of Cardiovascular Disease., halaman 405
  4. Appealing Images: Magnetic Resonance Imaging and the Production of Authoritative Knowledge., halaman 437
  5. Scientific Culture in the ‘Other’ Theater of ‘Modern Science’: An Analysis of the Culture of Magnetic Resonance Imaging Research in India., halaman 463

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