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ArtikelUsing Cumulative Risk to Screen for Mental Health Problems in Child Welfare  
Oleh: McCrae, Julie S. ; Barth, Richard P.
Jenis: Article from Journal - e-Journal
Dalam koleksi: Research on Social Work Practice vol. 18 no. 2 (Mar. 2008), page 144-159.
Topik: cumulative risk; NSCAW; mental health screening; child welfare
Fulltext: 144.pdf (138.2KB)
Isi artikelThis study tests the hypothesis that information typically collected during a maltreatment investigation can be used to screen children for mental health problems. Method: Data are from the National Survey of Child and Adolescent Well-Being. Cumulative risk scores were created for 3,022 children and compared to reports of clinicallevel problems using standardized measures. Bivariate, multivariate, and sensitivity analyses were used. Results: Cumulative risk showed 73% sensitivity to identify children with mental health concerns and 52% specificity to identify children without such concerns. Comparatively, child welfare worker indications showed 48% sensitivity and 78% specificity. Conclusions: Investigative information could serve the dual purpose of screening children for mental health problems, having the potential for benefit and cost avoidance.
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