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JurnalTheory, Culture & Society vol. 24 no. 7 (Dec. 2007)
Topik: Advertising; Audience Studies; Content Analysis; Film & Cinema; International & Development Communication; Journalism; Media Economics; Media Organization & Production; Media Policy; New Media & Communication Technology; Political Communication; Public Relations; Television & Radio; Ethnomethodology; Sociology; Culture; Society
Bahasa: (EN )    Year:: 2007    Bulan: 12    Edisi: Softcopy    
Penerbit: SAGE Publications
Jenis: Journal - ilmiah internasional
[Lihat daftar eksemplar jurnal Theory, Culture & Society]
Artikel dalam koleksi ini
  1. Simmel: On Aesthetics, Ethics and Metaphysics (Allosociality: Bridges and Doors to Simmel’s Social Theory of the Limit), halaman 1-19
  2. The Philosophy of Landscape, halaman 20-29
  3. Rome, halaman 30-37
  4. Florence, halaman 38-41
  5. Venice, halaman 42-46
  6. Germanic and Classical Romanic Style, halaman 47-52
  7. The Social Boundary, halaman 53-56
  8. ‘Become What You Are’, halaman 57-60
  9. The Dialectic of the German Spirit, halaman 61-65
  10. Individualism, halaman 66-71
  11. The Metaphysics of Death, halaman 72-77
  12. The Problem of Fate, halaman 78-84
  13. Goethe and Youth, halaman 85-90
  14. The Capitalization of Almost Everything: The Future of Finance and Capitalism, halaman 97-115
  15. The Temporalization of Financial Markets: From Network to Flow, halaman 116-138
  16. An Essay on the Growing Contribution of Economic Markets to the Proliferation of the Social, halaman 139-163
  17. Market Crowds between Imitation and Control, halaman 164-180
  18. Mobilizing Identities: Uncertainty and Control in Strategy, halaman 181-202
  19. A Brief Theory of the ‘Captation’ of Publics: Understanding the market with Little Red Riding Hood, halaman 203-223
  20. Deep into the Night the City Calls as the Blacks Come Home to Roost, halaman 224-237
  21. Maison des Civilisations et de l’Unité Réunionnaise: A Museum without a Collection, halaman 238-246
  22. Of Biennials and Biennalists: Venice, Documenta, Münster, halaman 247-260
  23. Problematizing Global Knowledge Critical Commentaries: Introduction, halaman 261-263
  24. Of Method, halaman 264-275
  25. Redefining Global Knowledge, halaman 276-279
  26. Wider Horizons, Sharper Edges: Brief Comments on Globalization, Modernity, Nation, and Time, halaman 280-282
  27. Cosmos and Polis, Past and Present, halaman 283-285
  28. The Cosmopolitan Condition: Why Methodological Nationalism Fails, halaman 286-289
  29. Diversity, Heritage and Cultural Politics, halaman 290-295
  30. Totalizations/Detotalizations, halaman 296-300
  31. Problematizing Korean Cultural Studies, halaman 301-302
  32. The Christo-Capitalist Assemblage, halaman 303-304
  33. Violence, Katrina, and the Biopolitics of Disposability, halaman 305-309
  34. Explicating the Classification of the Chinese Encyclopedia Enumerated by Borges, halaman 310-311
  35. Biotechnology and Digital Information, halaman 312-313
  36. Thought Creatures, halaman 314-316
  37. New Media and Aesthetics, halaman 317-318
  38. Ubiquitous Media: Introduction, halaman 319-322
  39. Interview with Friedrich Kittler and Mark Hansen, halaman 323-329
  40. Image and Sound in Cinema: Interview with Shiguéhiko Hasumi, halaman 330-333
  41. Technics, Media, Teleology: Interview with Bernard Stiegler, halaman 334-341
  42. Attention and Automaticity: Interview with Barbara Stafford, halaman 342-348
  43. Ubiquitous Surveillance: Interview with Katherine Hayles, halaman 349-358
  44. Media Art at UMAT, halaman 359-369
  45. Metaspace, halaman 370-372

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