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JurnalResearch on Social Work Practice vol. 17 no. 3 (May 2007)
Bahasa: (EN )    Year:: 2007    Bulan: 05    Edisi: Softcopy    
Penerbit: SAGE Publications
Jenis: Journal - e-Journal
[Lihat daftar eksemplar jurnal Research on Social Work Practice]
Artikel dalam koleksi ini
  1. Comparing Relaxation Training and Cognitive-Behavioral Group Therapy for Women With Breast Cancer, halaman 313-323
  2. Improving Quality of Life and Career Attitudes of Youth With Disabilities: Experiences From the Adolescent Employment Readiness Center, halaman 324-333
  3. Problematic Phrases in the Conclusions of Published Outcome Studies: Implications for Evidence-Based Practice, halaman 334-347
  4. The Development and Preliminary Validation of the Adolescent Domain Screening Inventory: A Substance Use Prevention Tool, halaman 348-379
  5. The Chinese Positive Youth Development Scale: A Validation Study, halaman 380-391
  6. Thought Field Therapy: A Former Insider's Experience, halaman 392-407
  7. Operationalizing Evidence-Based Practice: The Development of an Institute for Evidence-Based Social Work, halaman 408-416
  8. The NIH R03 Award: An Initial Funding Step for Social Work Researchers, halaman 417-424

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