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ArtikelAn Experimental Study on Attitude Control of Spacecraft Using Two Axes Rotational Simulator with a Flexible Arm  
Oleh: Oh, Choongsuk ; Myung, Hyunsam ; Bang, Hyochoong ; Min-Jea Tahk
Jenis: Article from Article
Dalam koleksi: Final Program and Book of Abstracts: The 4th Asian Control Conference, September 25-27, 2002 (Sep. 2002), page 2051-2056.
Topik: Experimental Study; Spacecraft; Rotational Simulator; Flexible Arm
Fulltext: AC021663.PDF (329.15KB)
Isi artikelThe objective of this paper is to show that two axes rotational simulator with a flexible arm is tested with integral pulse width modulation(IPWM) reaction jet controllers. The simulator is called HILSTAT (Hardware-In-the-Loop Simulator Two Axes Testbed). The HILS(Hardware-In-the-Loop Simulation) is widely used in the development, testing and integration of complex guidance and control systems hardware for aerospace applications. The main structure consists of a single axis bearing and a satellite main body with camera connected to the bearing. The performance of IPWM as one of popular spacecraft attitude control techniques is evaluated. The IPWM reaction jet controllers candecrease the steady-state error due to the disturbance by adding integration control error to the already existing position and derivative control errors.
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