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ArtikelA Dynamic Feedback Linearization Controller for Three Dimensional Control of the RTG Crane  
Oleh: Huang, K.C. ; Liou, J.J.H. ; Liu, T. L.
Jenis: Article from Article
Dalam koleksi: Final Program and Book of Abstracts: The 4th Asian Control Conference, September 25-27, 2002 (Sep. 2002), page 978-983.
Topik: Dynamic Feedback Linearization; Controller; Three Dimensional Control; RTG Crane; FLC
Fulltext: AC021650.PDF (248.02KB)
Isi artikelIn this paper, the kinematic and dynamic modeling of a ‘super’ RTG crane are presented in detail. The derived dynamic model consists of a set of five coupled equations with degrees of freedom on the longitudinal movement x, transverse movement y, cable length l, swing angle ? and polar angle projected onto the ground, a. To overcome the complexity of the highly coupled equations in the model, a control strategy, feedback linearization control (FLC) is proposed. This approach introduces a torque control vector that is a function of desired and actual states. After the governing equations being globally decoupled, the motions in the x-, y-, l-, directions can be found from the solution of a set of independent second order homogeneous error equations. From the critical damping configuration of these error equations a set of gains can then be determined to minimize the swing motion.
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