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JurnalWorld Englishes (Full Text) vol. 24 no. 3 (Aug. 2005)
Topik: english language; linguistics; world englishes
Bahasa: (EN )    ISSN: 0883-2919    Year:: 2005    Bulan: 08    
Penerbit: Blackwell Publishing
Jenis: Journal - ilmiah internasional
[Lihat daftar eksemplar jurnal World Englishes (Full Text)]
Artikel dalam koleksi ini
  1. The use of actually in spoken Xhosa English: a corpus study, halaman 275-288
  2. British attitudes towards six varieties of English in the USA and Britain, halaman 289-308
  3. Globalisation and reconfigured English in Japan, halaman 309-319
  4. Introduction, halaman 321-322
  5. A Vision for world Englishes in the Expanding Circle, halaman 323-327
  6. Educated Japanese English: expanding oral/aural core vocabulary, halaman 329-349
  7. Recognition of world Englishes: changes in Chukyo University students’ attitudes, halaman 351-360
  8. Nurturing global listeners: increasing familiarity and appreciation for world Englishes, halaman 361-370
  9. The cline of errors in the writing of Japanese university students, halaman 371-382
  10. Rater judgment and English language speaking proficiency, halaman 383-391
  11. Reviews, halaman 393-401

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