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BukuCancer screening coverage of south Asian women in Wakefield (Short Communication in Journal of Medical Screening 8)
Author: Sutton, G.C. ; Storer, A. ; Rowe, K.
Topik: Short Communication; Screening; South Asian Women
Bahasa: (EN )    Edisi: Jul 2001    
Penerbit: Royal Society of Medical Press     Tempat Terbit: London    Tahun Terbit: 2001    
Jenis: Article - diterbitkan di jurnal ilmiah internasional
Fulltext: 183.pdf (198.24KB; 1 download)
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Objective—To measure the cervical and breast screening coverage of south Asian women inWakefield, compared with other city residents.
Design—Pairwise measurement of screening histories of women whose names appeared to be south Asian, and of non-Asian women matched by date of birth and general practice.
Data source—Computerised records of screening histories held by West Yorkshire Central Services Agency, for the eight general practices in central Wakefield.
Results—67% of south Asians and 75% of non-Asians had acceptable (not overdue) cervical screening histories (÷2=13.75, p<0.001). 53% of south Asians and 78% of non-Asians had acceptable breast screening histories (÷2=8.5, p<0.01)
Conclusion—Interventions should be designed to improve coverage for breast screening among south Asian women. The need for such interventions for cervical screening is equivocal.
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