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BukuCorpus linguistics: critical concepts in linguistics volume 5
Author: Teubert, Wolfgang (Editor); Krishnamurthy, Ramesh (Editor)
Topik: Corpora (Linguistics); Computational linguistics
Bahasa: (EN )    ISBN: 0-415-33895-6    
Penerbit: Routledge     Tempat Terbit: New York    Tahun Terbit: 2007    
Jenis: Books
  • Perpustakaan PKBB
    • Nomor Panggil: 410.285 TEU c
    • Non-tandon: 1 (dapat dipinjam: 1)
    • Tandon: 1
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Artikel dalam koleksi ini
  1. Speaking and writing in the university: a multilingual comparation, halaman 3-41
  2. Description and interpretation in critical discourse analysis, halaman 42-53
  3. Corpus evidence on Australian style and usage, halaman 54-67
  4. Corpus, comparison, culture: doing the same things differetly in different cultures, halaman 68-87
  5. Footing shift for attribution: 'According to the New York Tines this morning...', halaman 88-108
  6. Modal verbs in academic writing, halaman 109-129
  7. Compressed non-phrase structures in newspaper discourse: the competing demands of popularization vs. economy, halaman 130-141
  8. A province of a federal superstate ruled by an unelected bureaucracy: keywords of the Euro-sceptic discourse in Britain, halaman 142-178
  9. Ethnic, racial and tribal: the language of racism?, halaman 179-200
  10. On the use of corpora in the analysis of forensic texts, halaman 201-218
  11. Domestic discord, rocky relationships: semantic prosodies in representations of marital violence in the O.J. Simpson trial, halaman 219-243
  12. Corpus-based analysis of evaluative lexis, halaman 244-264
  13. Gender differences in the evolution of standard English: evidence from the Corpus of Early English Correspondence, halaman 267-287
  14. Politeness and modal meaning in the construction of humiliative discourse in an early eigteenth-century network of patron-client relationships, halaman 288-317
  15. Grammaticalization from side to side: on the development of beside(s), halaman 318-336
  16. Advanced research on syntactic and semantic change with Corpus del Espanol, halaman 337-348
  17. COllocational and idiomatic aspects of verbs in Early Modern English: a corpus -based study of MAKE, HAVE, GIVE, TAKE and DO, halaman 349-385
  18. Three channging patterns of verb complementation in Late Modern English: a real-time study based on matching text corpora, halaman 386-415

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