Anda belum login :: 07 Mar 2025 09:31 WIB
ArtikelModeling of a Large PHWR with Feedback of Fuel and Coolant Temperatures  
Oleh: Talange, D. B. ; Bandyopadhyay, B. ; Tiwari, A. P.
Jenis: Article from Article
Dalam koleksi: Final Program and Book of Abstracts: The 4th Asian Control Conference, September 25-27, 2002 (Sep. 2002), page 1113-1118.
Topik: Large PHWR; Heavy Water Reactor; Fuel
Fulltext: AC021522.PDF (136.1KB)
Isi artikelTo study the temperature feedback effects of the fuel and coolant on the performance of the reactor from control system point of view, an existing spatial model of a 500 MWe PHWR has been used and modified it by introducing the necessary differential equations arising out of temperatures of fuel and coolant. This paper attempts to address the model development and estimation work which incorporates the temperature feedbacks related to the fuel in the reactor and the primary coolant for a 500 MWe Pressurized Heavy Water Reactor (PHWR). The original model is a 14 zone reactor model with 5 state equations for each zone making it a 70th order system. With the introduction of the fuel and the coolant temperatures the system orderincreases to 72nd order. After developing such a spatial control model, it is studied for the control applications.
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