Anda belum login :: 04 Dec 2024 00:55 WIB
ArtikelGenerational Accounting In The Uk  
Oleh: Cardarelli, Roberto ; Sefton, James ; Kotlikoff, Laurence J.
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: The Economic Journal (EBSCO) vol. 110 no. 467 (Nov. 2000), page 547-574.
Fulltext: 547.pdf (287.98KB)
Isi artikelThis paper presents the ®rst set of generational accounts for the United Kingdom. We ®nd that under our baseline scenario, in which pensions are price indexed and health expenditure grows modestly, the imbalance in UK generational policy is small when compared with other leading industrial countries like the United States, Japan, and Germany. However, under an alternative policy scenario, where all social bene®ts are wage-indexed and health care spending is increased, there is a larger ®scal bill left for future generations to pay. In this case, achieving generational balance would require much stronger medicine.
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