Anda belum login :: 17 Feb 2025 10:48 WIB
JurnalJournal of Humanistic Psychology vol. 46 no. 2 (2008)
Topik: Trauma; Conciousness; Forgiveness; Spiritual Inteligence; Murdered Children; Entheogen Research Agenda; Philosophical Psychology
Bahasa: (EN )    ISSN: 0022-1678    Year:: 2008    Edisi: Softcopy    
Penerbit: SAGE Publications
Jenis: Journal - ilmiah internasional
[Lihat daftar eksemplar jurnal Journal of Humanistic Psychology]
Artikel dalam koleksi ini
  1. Social Construction as an Ethics of Infinitude: Reply to Brinkmann, halaman 119-125
  2. Validation of the Body in Psychotherapy, halaman 126-146
  3. Finding Meaning and Purpose in Boundaryless Careers: A Framework for Study and Practice, halaman 147-167
  4. The Role of Existential Meaning as a Buffer Against Stress, halaman 168-190
  5. What’s Love Got to Do With It? The Relational Nature of Depressive Experiences, halaman 191-208
  6. The Costatement: Objective Evidence for a Science of Subjectivity, halaman 209-233

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