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Degradation Of The Rawapening Lake, Central Java And Its Consequences On Freshwater Animal Resources : A Research Proposal
Sulistyawati, Ita
Soedarini, Bernadetha
Widianarko, Budi
Article from Proceeding
Dalam koleksi:
2nd International Conference on Environment and Urban Management : Indonesia ( Soegijapranata Catholic University, Semarang, 2-3 August 2006 )
page PFH-6.
Rawapening Lake
DPSIR model
freshwater animal resources
contaminant microorganisms
038 PFH-6 Ita Sulistyawati-B Soedarini-B Widianarko.pdf
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Rawapening is a natural lake located in Semarang regency, Central Java. Nine rivers (Pitung, Muncul, Galeh, Terong, Legi, Parat, Rengas, Praginan and Panjang) and five springs (Rawapening, Muncul, Jonjang, Petet and Parat) flow into this lake. The lake roles as a multi function reservoir for the ecosystem within and the surrounding inhabitants, such as hydropower, domestic water supply, habitat of aquatic organism especially freshwater animal resources and irrigation also tourism object. In this literature study, we describe the degradation of environmental quality of the Rawapening Lake and its consequences on freshwater animal resources according to DPSIR model. The declining quality of the lake ecosystem include, among other, ever increase sedimentation due to erosion of surrounding upland; disposal domestic, agricultural and, to a lesser extend, industrial pollutants, not to mention an uncontrollable expansion of aquatic vegetation (Eichhornia crassipes and Hydrilla verticillata). These will affect to the lake’s water quality and ultimately the safety of food produced therein. The preliminary and fragmented studies reveals that contaminant microorganisms (i.e. fecal coliform which usually accompanied by other enteric bacteria that acts as histamine former, such as Enterobacter cloacae and Proteus vulgaris) and metals, i.e. cadmium, iron and copper have been found in fishes, shrimp and snail. To withdraw a comprehensive understanding of the Rawapening Lake due to the flux of various anthropogenic substances, we would like to propose three lines of research as follow: (1) Study on the pollutant flow and partition of contaminants, i.e. metals, microorganisms, and possibly agrochemicals along the food chain (2). Study on consequences of microorganism contamination on the consumption safety of freshwater fish (3). Study on consequences of pollution and aquaculture practices in the Rawapening Lake on the nutritional quality of the aquaculture products.
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