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ArtikelTeacher-Reported Use of Empirically Validated and Standards-Based Instructional Approaches in Secondary Mathematics  
Oleh: Gagnon, Joseph Calvin ; Maccin, Paula
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Remedial and Special Education vol. 28 no. 1 (2007), page 43-57.
Fulltext: 43.pdf (165.48KB)
Isi artikelArandom sample of 167 secondary special and general educators who taught math to students with emotional and behavioral disorders (EBD) and learning disabilities (LD) responded to a mail survey. The survey examined teacher perceptions of (a) definition of math; (b) familiarity with course topics; (c) effectiveness of methods courses; (d) preparation to use and frequency of use of effective instructional strategies; and (e) factors contributing to the use of effective instructional strategies. The number of methods courses taken by teachers uniquely and significantly contributed to the number of effective instructional approaches that both general and special educators reported using. Significantly more special educators than general educators reported the use of specific, empirically validated instructional practices. Additional results, implications, and suggestions for future research are provided.
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