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ArtikelActive Vibration Suppression of Flexible Structures Robust Gain-Scheduled Control Approach  
Oleh: Korondi, A.Forrai P. ; Funato, S.Hashimoto H. ; Kamiyama, K.
Jenis: Article from Article
Dalam koleksi: Final Program and Book of Abstracts: The 4th Asian Control Conference, September 25-27, 2002 (Sep. 2002), page 197-202.
Topik: Robust Control; Gain-Scheduled Control; Flexible Structures; Active Vibration Suppression
Fulltext: AC021415.PDF (882.09KB)
Isi artikelThe paper deals with robust gain-scheduled control applied for active vibration suppression control of flexible structures. The considered experimental set-up is a three-story flexible structure with an active mass driver placed on the last story. First, system identification experiments are performed. Next, based on the derived mathematical model and model uncertainties a robust gain-scheduled control approach is considered. Finally, the effectiveness of the control system is tested through experiments, when the input disturbance is assumed to be a scaled historical earthquake record (1940 El Centro record).
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