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ArtikelModeling a complex hybrid system  
Oleh: Wang, Lin ; Pu Li ; Wozny, Günter
Jenis: Article from Article
Dalam koleksi: Final Program and Book of Abstracts: The 4th Asian Control Conference, September 25-27, 2002 (Sep. 2002), page 1752-1755.
Topik: Modeling; Complex Hybrid System
Fulltext: AC021341.PDF (210.42KB)
Isi artikelA property of batch distillation startup process is that a batch column will be frequently started up from a cold state. The amount, composition as well as the kind of components in the initial charge may be variable from batch to batch. For one batch, the transients/transitions or (thermodynamic) phase changes are highly likely to occur. So batch distillation startup process is a complex hybrid (discrete/continuous) dynamic system. The model for startup operation appears discontinuous between nonequilibrium phase and equilibrium phase. There are two kinds of discontinuous mode in simulation model: (1) structure discontinuous mode of the model, (2) variables discontinuous mode of the model. In this paper, some trivial equations are introduced to solve the first problem, for the second problem, three types of variables are divided: state variables, hydraulic variables and attendant variables, different methods are used to describe the variables’ discontinuity.
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