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The Impact of Learner Variables on Language Test Performance
Ilyin, Donna
Spurling, Steven
Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi:
TESOL Quarterly (Full Text; vol 1-16 ada di JSTOR) vol. 19 no. 2 (Jun. 1985)
page 283-301.
vol 19 no.2 pp.283-301.pdf
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Research has shown that learner variables such as age, language background, field of study, and educational background have an impact on non-native speakers' scores on language tests. However, I does this impact reflect a natural advantage of one group over another, or is it indicative of test favoritism or test bias? This article looks at how the learner variables of age, sex, language back- ground, high school graduation status, and length of stay in the United States affect performance on six language texts: two cloze tests, a reading test, a structure test, and two listening tests. A multiple regression approach to the problem, posed by analysis of variance, was taken to determine 1) the amount of variance accounted for by each of the learner variables on all tests combined and on each test individually and 2) the interaction of variables with test type. Such an interaction would be evidence of either test favoritism or test bias. It was found that age, language background, and high school graduation status accounted for small but significant amounts of variance on the tests. Furthermore, there was an interaction between the test and learner variables. Therefore, both test advantage and test favoritism/bias were found.
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