Anda belum login :: 07 Mar 2025 09:42 WIB
ArtikelDifferential algebraic approach based controller design of nonlinear processes  
Oleh: Shurong, Li
Jenis: Article from Article
Dalam koleksi: Final Program and Book of Abstracts: The 4th Asian Control Conference, September 25-27, 2002 (Sep. 2002), page 1076-1080.
Topik: Differential algebraic approach based controller design of nonlinear processes
Fulltext: AC021301.PDF (122.54KB)
Isi artikelThis paper investigates the synthesis of feedback controllers of nonlinear control systems based on differential algebraic approach. A nonlinear control system is viewed as a set of algebraic differential equations with parametric indeterminates. A mathematical mechanization based computational procedure is outlined for determining the canonical form of the considered nonlinear control systems. Based on the derived canonical form, feedback controller can be synthesized. The controller is realized in a dynamic form sometimes. A liquid level system and an isothermal continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR) system are controlled by using proposed controllers. Closed loop stability is also discussed. Some simulation results are given in the paper.
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