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ArtikelParallel and Distributed Algorithms for Optimal Parametric Synthesis  
Oleh: Abramov, O.V. ; Katueva, Y.V. ; Suponya, A.A.
Jenis: Article from Article
Dalam koleksi: Final Program and Book of Abstracts: The 4th Asian Control Conference, September 25-27, 2002 (Sep. 2002), page 1573-1577.
Topik: Parametric Synthesis; Parallel; Distributed
Fulltext: AC021264.PDF (197.1KB)
Isi artikelThe class of stochastic systems characterized by operators with deterministic structures and random parameters is considered. The paper discusses the problem of choosing parameter nominals of engineering devices and systems for which the system survival probability or the performance assurance probability for the predetermined time period is maximized. Special attention is paid to algorithms that reduce the computation cost of stochastic optimization problems. Several algorithms for region of acceptability location, modeling and discrete optimization using parallel and distributed processing techniques are discussed. On the basis of the proposed methods and algorithms a computer-aided reliability-oriented design system has been developed.
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