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ArtikelHierarchical Structure of Multi-Agent Control Systems  
Oleh: Widodo, R. J. ; Indrawati, Veronica
Jenis: Article from Article
Dalam koleksi: Final Program and Book of Abstracts: The 4th Asian Control Conference, September 25-27, 2002 (Sep. 2002), page 725-728.
Topik: Agents; Architecture; Hierarchical Structures; Subsystems
Fulltext: AC021261.PDF (143.68KB)
Isi artikelMulti-agent control systems consist of a number of dynamic elements with associated decision-making logic and information sharing paths. Information sharing between the dynamic elements aids overall system coordination. A multi-layer hierarchy describes the controller of each agent. The higher layers are typically modeled by discrete-event systems, which plan and reason under uncertainty, and take strategic decisions in coordination with other agents. The lower layers, on the other hand, typically involve continuous dynamics and performing path planning and regulation tasks. The system is said to have a hierarchical structure since the cluster of subsystems can be grouped in different levels where the information flow is unidirectional from clusters at higher levels towards clusters at lower levels. High-level commands are interpreted into lower-level commands as they are filtered down through the control layers.
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