Anda belum login :: 13 Mar 2025 10:12 WIB
BukuOrganizational crisis management : the human factor
Author: Lewis, Gerald
Topik: Crisis management; Emergency management; Disasters--Psychological aspects
Bahasa: (EN )    ISBN: 0-8493-3962-6    
Penerbit: Auerbach Publications     Tempat Terbit: Florida    Tahun Terbit: 2006    
Jenis: Books - E-Book
Fulltext: Gerald Lewis (2006) = Organizational Crisis Management - The Human Factor.pdf (3.66MB; 21 download)
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It has been more than eleven years since writing my first book, Critical Incident Stress and Trauma in the Workplace, and about seven since coauthoring Workplace Violence: Myth and Reality with Dr. Nancy Zare. Since then, we have seen many dramatic events, some of them earth shattering as well as heart breaking. To note a few: terrorism in the form of the Murrah Building, the Atlanta Olympic bomb, and 9/11; infrastructure problems such as mass power outages and Y2K; natural disasters in the form of hurricanes and earthquakes; and organizational crises such as the Enron debacle, as well as the shift in the economy that has resulted in the “” boom going to the “dot.gone” exodus. While homicide in the workplace has actually diminished significantly, we continue to bear witness to incidents such as Edgewater Technologies. Schools, often thought of as a safe haven, have continued to experience mass murder in libraries and classrooms.
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