Anda belum login :: 13 Mar 2025 10:14 WIB
ArtikelThe Effects of Democratic Leadership on Group Member Satisfaction: An Integration  
Oleh: Foels, Rob ; Driskell, James E. ; Mullen, Brian ; Salas, Eduardo
Jenis: Article from Bulletin/Magazine
Dalam koleksi: Small Group Research vol. 31 no. 6 (2008), page 676-701.
Fulltext: 676.pdf (143.88KB)
Isi artikelPrevious research highlights one of the paradoxes of different leadership styles: Group members may be more satisfied with democratic leadership, or group members may be more satisfied with autocratic leadership. A meta-analytic integration of research evidence addressing this paradox revealed that there was, in general, a significant, small tendency for groups experiencing democratic leadership to be more satisfied than groups experiencing autocratic leadership. However, these effects were moderated by several variables, including the reality of the groups, the size of the groups, the gender composition of the groups, and the potency of leadership style. These moderating variables may be important given the recent push toward adoption of democratic decision making in organizations. The discussion considers theoretical accounts for these effects of leadership style on member satisfaction.
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