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ArtikelUse and awareness of Electronic Information Services by students at Glasgow Caledonian University: a longitudinal study  
Oleh: Crawford, John ; Vicente, Angel De ; Clink, Stuart
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Journal of Librarianship and Information Science vol. 36 no. 3 (2008), page 101-118.
Fulltext: 101.pdf (461.32KB)
Isi artikelThis paper is the latest in a series of studies of EIS (electronic information services) usage and information literacy among staff and students at Glasgow Caledonian University and builds on previous work elsewhere. It reports on two surveys conducted in March 2002 and October 2002–February 2003 respectively and thus offers a longitudinal perspective. The questionnaires were administered both on paper and electronically and the results compared but no differences in data collected could be detected. The results showed a growth in usage in the relatively short period between the two surveys and subject area studied proved to be the main determinant of EIS usage, followed by integration into the programme. Mode of attendance is an issue and off-Campus usage is growing, with an increasing emphasis on workplace access. The catalogue was found to be no longer ‘the key to the library’ and gateways and links were little used. A relationship between student progression and retention and EIS usage was identified.
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