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Setting the Standard for Comprehensive and Efficient Public Library Services
Goulding, Anne
Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi:
Journal of Librarianship and Information Science vol. 33 no. 2 (2008)
page 55-58.
Isi artikel
Outlines the new public library standards for England, drawn up by the Department of Cultur Media and Sport (DCMS) and coming into force in April 2001. The degree to which the new standards are likely to satisfy the critics of the Public Library and Museums Act, 1964, particularly regarding the definition of what constitutes a “comprehensive and efficient” service, is discussed. It is concluded that the new standards, drawn up by the DCMS in collaboration with the Library Association and the Local Government Association, are a bold step, defining what library users can expect and what kinds of services local authorities must provide to comply with the 1964 Act. It is argued that the requirement for authorities to adhere to a set of standards setting out requirements for access, range and scope of services will result in a fundamental and consistent level of library provision throughout England. Users will have a clear idea of what to expect from services and a set of rules governing when the Ministry will intervene if standards fall short of requirements. Areas covered by the standards, including the need to secure adequate funding, worries about declining book borrowing and the continuing emphasis on buildings and library stock, are summarized. It is concluded that the new standards and targets will ensure that all public libraries in England meet their statutory duty and strengthen the provisions laid down by the 1964 Act.
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