The realtionship between leader and workers is a mutual relationship between one another. In the process of interaction where the leader and the workers affect each other, the leader influences the workers to act according to what he/she wishes for. From the point of view of the workers, they want the leader to fulfill their basic needs so that they satisfied to work which is directly affecting job commitment and thus finally affecting workers’ performances. In order to know whether there is the impact between leadership style and job satisfaction to job commitment, we need to do the following research. Inside this paper, the writer observes the impact between leadership style and job satisfaction to job commitment. The research is conducted in the Medistra Hospital, South Jakarta, with a total of 50 respondents in the Nursing Department. The technique to collect the data is done through spreading questionares about leadership style, job satisfaction and the job commitment. The score of the answer is calculated using the Likert Scale. The tool to analyze is descriptive statistic using cross tabulation and inferences statics analysis to examine the hypothesis, using simple linier regression and double linier regression. The result of the research showed that there was a significant impact between the leadership style and job commitment, between job satisfaction and job commitment, and between leadership style ajob satisfaction have significant impact with job commitment. The result of the research is benefical for the management of Medistra Hospital to look at points which can enrich the duty for the nurses by participating in taking policies regarding daily jobs, by giving more authorities to delegate the jobs, by giving additional knowledge to increase the ability of the workers to work. |