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ArtikelThe Design and Analysis On Nonlinear Scaling Factors Of Fuzzy Controller  
Oleh: Liu, Chaoying ; Song, Xueling ; Liu, Jiaomin
Jenis: Article from Article
Dalam koleksi: Final Program and Book of Abstracts: The 4th Asian Control Conference, September 25-27, 2002 (Sep. 2002), page 2168-2173.
Topik: Nonlinear Scaling; Fuzzy; Controller
Fulltext: AC021018.PDF (308.58KB)
Isi artikelBased on the analysis the effect on step response and steady state error of the scaling factors of fuzzy controller, this paper proposes a type of nonlinear scaling factor functions - exponential scaling factor function and discusses that its effect to membership functions, system performance and equivalent mapping between input and output parameter in detail. Besides parts mentioned above this paper also studies the design method of its parameter. The parameter design of the fuzzy controller with nonlinear scaling factor is simple, normalization and it can also be used as an initial function on-line learning and adjustment in the initialization of scaling factor in adaptive fuzzy controller. Simulation result shows that comparing with conventional fuzzy controller, this controller with nonlinear scaling factors not only has better dynamic and static property, stronger robustness and it is a simple, useful and effective method for improving the fuzzy controller property.
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