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ArtikelFinancing Constraints and Fixed-term Employment Contracts  
Oleh: Gaggese, Andrea ; Cunat, Vicente
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: The Economic Journal (EBSCO) vol. 118 no. 533 (Nov. 2008), page 2013.
Topik: Financing Constraints; Fixed-term Employment Contracts; Volatility; Firms
Fulltext: 2013.pdf (208.62KB)
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    • Nomor Panggil: EE28.29
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Isi artikelThis article studies the interactions between financing constraints and the employment decisions of firms when both fixed-term and permanent employment contracts are available. It develops the model of an industry where firms face financing frictions and produce output using both fixed-term and permanent workers. Once calibrated, the model shows that financially constrained firms use fixed-term workers more intensely and make them absorb a larger fraction of the total employment volatility than financially unconstrained firms do. We test and confirm the predictions of the model on a panel data of Italian manufacturing firms with detailed information about financing constraints and the type of workers employed by the firms.
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