Anda belum login :: 13 Mar 2025 09:55 WIB
ArtikelLinear organization of spatial instruction: Development of comprehension and production  
Oleh: Waller, Glenn
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: First Language (Full Text) vol. 6 no. 16 (1986), page 53-67.
Fulltext: First Language 1986 6. 53-67.pdf (800.76KB)
  • Perpustakaan PKBB
    • Nomor Panggil: 405/FIL/6
    • Non-tandon: tidak ada
    • Tandon: 1
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Isi artikelSpatial instructions can be linearly ordered so that the sequence in which landmarks are mentioned corresponds to the spatial ordering of those landmarks en route. Two experiments were performed to investigate the ability of children to utilize and to produce such linearity in receiving and giving spatial instructions. Children were shown to be able to use highly linear instructions by four years, but were able to reorganize less orderly input only by seven years. It was suggested that this ability might be related to the ability to identify relevant locative prepositions. There was also a development in the ability to ’make allowances’ for the ability of the listener, with older children (eight years) producing instructions that were suited to the skills of the other child. It is suggested that this demonstrates a development of comprehension of the cognitive and linguistic skills of others.
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