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ArtikelPengaruh Penggeseran Struktural Terhadap Pendidikan Dan Ketenagakerjaan Dalam Periode Tinggal landas Di Indonesia  
Oleh: Soedjadi, Boediono
Jenis: Article from Bulletin/Magazine
Dalam koleksi: Jurnal Studi Indonesia no. 2 (1992)
Topik: Periode Tinggal Landas; Pendidikan
Fulltext: Boediono Soedjadi.pdf (216.53KB)
Isi artikelIn the second phase of national long-term development (PJPT II), there will be many shifting values in ideology, politics, economics, social, culture, and national resilience. Indonesian economic, as described by Rostow, will lead to "take-off" phase and sustainable development. In that phase, some structural shifting and transforrnation will occur, for instance, from agricultural to industrial society which has strong influences on services sector development. Although the growth rate in industrial sector is greater than in agricultural sector, the composition of manpower in industrial sector almost has not been changed compared to the composition of manpower in agricultural sector which has decreased in a very small number. One of the posible reason is the qualification, especially education does not meet the qualification of the industrial sector. Some other countries which succeded in "take-off" phase shown that the number of uneducated manpower should be reduced and the number of elementary educated manpower should be increased. In terms of education, the problem of Indonesia in "take-off" phase seems focused on how to prepare and equipt the young generation with knowledge and skills which make them able to adapt with future technology. Besides, the education should be based on its spirit or "soul" which can stimulate students to think critically and creatively.
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