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Studi Kasus Komparatif Model Kelembagaan Perguruan Tinggi Jarak Jauh Single Mode Dan Dual Mode Di Indonesia, Australia Dan New Zealand
Zuhairi, Aminudin
Article from Bulletin/Magazine
Dalam koleksi:
Jurnal Studi Indonesia vol. 8 no. 2 (Aug. 1998)
Pendidikan Jarak Jauh
Universitas Terbuka
Model Kelembagaan Perguruan Tinggi Jarak Jauh Single Mode dan Dual Mode di Indonesia
Aminudin Zuhairi.pdf
Isi artikel
This paper presents comparative case studies of single mode and dual mode distance teaching universities in Indonesia, Australia and New Zealand. It attempts to explain the different approaches, philosophies and methods of the two systems, and compare and contrast their key characteristics. The focus of the research is on management and organisation of the two kinds of institutional models. The findings of the study indicate that a number of factors have contributed to the establishment of distance teaching universities in each country, and influenced the decision whether to opt for a single mode or a dual mode system. Both systems have distinctive features of their own as regards institutional cultures, management style, organisastional design and flexibility. They also share similarities regarding the characteristics of their distance education enterprise, the application of distance education theories, their functions as universities and their contribution to expand acces. Both are important educational institutions, and there is no ‘right way’ of organising a distance teaching university. For Indonesia, the dual mode system has just recently been introduced and is being developed in some universities with the assistance of international agency such as the World Bank, and so it is hoped that for Indonesian readers this paper may shed light on how a dual mode university operates.
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