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BukuFollow the Leader: Mimetic Isomorphism and Entry Into New Markets (Administrative Science Quarterly, Vol. 38, No. 4, December 1993)
Author: Haveman, Heather A.
Bahasa: (EN )    
Penerbit: cornell university     Tempat Terbit: U.S.A.    Tahun Terbit: 1993    
Jenis: Article - diterbitkan di jurnal ilmiah internasional
Fulltext: independent study 46.pdf (681.74KB; 0 download)
This paper combines organizational ecology and neoinstitutional theory to explain the process of diversification, specifically, how the structure of markets affects rates of market entry. I extend the density-dependence model of competition and legitimation, which has been used to study organizational founding and failure, to the process of organizational change through entry into new markets. I argue that the number of organizations operating in a particular market will have an inverted-U-shaped relationship with the rate of entry into that market. I also examine propositions, drawn from neoinstitutional theory, that organizations will follow similar and successful organizations into new markets. I assess the link between entry into new markets and (1) the number of organizations operating in those markets similar to a potential entrant and (2) the number of successful organizations in those markets. I also explore whether these two mimetic processes act in concert by examining whether successful potential entrants to a market are influenced by the presence of other successful organizations. I test these hypotheses on a population of savings and loan associations. I find that these firms imitate large and profitable organizations, but I find only limited evidence of imitation of similarly sized organizations, as large organizations copy the actions of other large organizations.
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